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As of Monday, 4 May 2020, the DELTA Group has re-opened. The DELTA Group will be continuing operations while staying in line with Level 4 lockdown regulations and continuing to prioritise the health and safety of its staff. The DELTA Group will be implementing new operating procedures that take cognisance of the guidelines provided by the World Health Organization and other government agencies.

The DELTA Group will once again be operating from 8:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday, with new safety measures in place as a response to COVID-19. These include:

  • Never having more than one third of the group’s staff compliment in the office
  • Staff working from home where possible
  • Testing employees using no-contact thermometers when reporting to the office
  • All on-site employees submitting daily health status declarations
  • All staff being required to wear face masks at all times while in and around the office or sites
  • Keeping face-to-face meetings to a minimum and encouraging clients not to visit the offices
  • The DELTA Café canteen remaining closed
  • Having sanitisers available at all entrances to the building

These operating procedures will be strictly adhered to, ensuring that the DELTA Group can maintain its commitment to not only the health and safety of its employees, but also to its clients and projects.

The DELTA Group is dedicated to remaining informed and responsive to the ever-changing challenges of the situation regarding COVID-19. Any changes or additions to the DELTA Group’s response plan will be communicated to all employees, stakeholders and clients.